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Old Vic Theatre

Old Vic Theatre

Old Vic Theatre

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A Christmas Carol - Old Vic

Billetter til: A Christmas Carol - Old Vic
Fra 795 kr

A Christmas Carol - Old Vic

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Dette er et spritnyt produkt i vores sortiment - og det er allerede muligt at bestille billetter. Nærmere information på dansk kommer snart!

Old Vic Artistic Director Matthew Warchus’ big-hearted, smash hit production of Charles Dickens’ immortal classic returns to The Old Vic, joyously adapted for the stage by Jack Thorne. The Old Vic’s A Christmas Carol fills the auditorium to the brim with mince pies, music and merriment. A unique staging immerses the audience in this uplifting story. Important COVID information To keep everyone safe, we strongly recommend wearing a mask while inside The Old Vic, and only taking it off when eating or drinking. We strongly recommend that all audience members take a lateral flow test within 48 hours of your visit. If you receive a positive result, we ask that you please exchange your tickets for another performance. We strongly recommend that everyone sanitises their hands before entering the building – sensor-operated hand sanitising stations will be positioned at the entrance and throughout the building. 


A Christmas Carol - Old Vic

103 The Cut London SE1 8NB


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